Fair Finance
Watch is a Non-Governmental Organization Focused on the Fairness of the Financial Services
Industries - Banking, Insurance and Securities - to Local Communities, Urban and Rural,
North and (Global) South, including under Human
Rights Laws
FFW researches, documents and advocates around financial firms' activities, and how
they affect local communities. The profiles below are in-process -- For or with more
information, contact us.
Bolivia Brazil Colombia
Regulatory contact
Banco Central de la Republica Argentina
Reconquista 266 Buenos Aires Argentina
Tel 54 1 348 3500
Fax 54 1 345 4860 and 54 114 348 3955
Web: http://www.bcra.gov.ar/
"The Banco Central monitors the proper functioning of financial markets and applies
the Law on Financial Institutions. It carries out this function through an
administratively separate Superintendency of Financial and Foreign Exchange Institutions,
which reports directly to the governor of the central bank."
The agency has confirmed that it considers public comments, for example one submitted in
connection with Citigroup - Banamex
Banking law: see,
See, esp., Bank Deposit Insurance System - Law 24,485(___), ("BDIS Law")
partially passed by Decree 538/95 (1995), regulated by Decree 540/95 (1995), amended by
Decree 1,292/96 (1996), amended by Law 25,089 (1999), amended by Decree 1,127/98 (1998)
Law of Financial Institutions - Law 21,526 (1977)
Regulatory Contact
Superintendencia de Bancos y Entidades Financieras (SBEF)
Plaza Isabel la Católica N°2507
La Paz, Bolivia
Tel: (591-2) 2431919
Fax: (591-2) 2430028
e-mail: sbef@sbef.gov.bo
Web: www.sbef.gov.bo/
Laws: http://servdmzw.sbef.gov.bo/circular/leyes/LBEF%2B.pdf
Texto de la Ley de Bancos y Entidades Financieras Nº1488 modificado por la Ley 2297 el 20
de diciembre de 2001.
List of Supervised entities: http://www.sbef.gov.bo/Entidades_supervisadas.php
See, esp. http://www.bancosol.com.bo/ (micro-financial institution)
Regulatory Contact
Banco Central do Brasil
Setor Bancario Sul
Quadro 3, Bloco B
CP 04-0170
70074-900 Brasilia (DF)
Tel 55-61-414 1000
Fax 55-61-226 1989
Web www.bcb.gov.br
Email secre.presi@bcb.gov.br
Banking law: see,
Regulatory contact
Superintendencia Bancaria de Colombia
Calle 7 No. 4 - 49
Bogotá, D. C. - Colombia
Tel: (571) 5 94 02 00 - 5 94 02 01
Fax: (571) 3 50 79 99 - 3 50 57 07
E-mail: super@superbancaria.gov.co
Web: www.superbancaria.gov.co (last visited 1/1/05)
Click here for a
description, in English PDF, of the Colombian
financial system
Regarding the law(s)
Carrera 7 No. 35-40 Bogotá D. C. - Colombia
Nit: 860.530.751-7
E-mail: fogafin@fogafin.gov.co
Página web: www.fogafin.gov.co
PBX: 571 - 3394240
FAX: 571 - 2858587
(Fogafin for example played a role in the
approval of Banco de Occidente's 2004-2005 acquisition of Banco Aliadas)
and see HumanRightsEnforcement.org
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United States
FFW Campaigns In Other Media
researches, documents and advocates around financial firms' activities, and how they
affect local communities. FFW files its findings with tribunals, regulatory agencies, and
elsewhere, including on this Web site . Click here to view analyses of several
multinational financial institutions' effects on consumers and the environment, worldwide:
for two examples, Citigroup and HSBC. Click here for some initial brainstorming on the application
of human rights and international law to the global financial services companies, and for
citations (where possible, links)
to resource material. Click here for some September 2004 campaigns -- PNC/Riggs (Finance Watch Reports of August 16,
2004, onwards), J.P. Morgan Chase,
etc.. Click here for an
ongoing report on the campaign to reform anti-money laundering, tax haven, and bank
secrecy laws. Click here for
the Human Rights Enforcement project,
including its new (9/04) criminal
justice and local human rights project. For or with more information, contact us.
For More information, see:
Human Rights & Finance:
Predatory Lending in a Deregulated Network Economy